Siahkal City
1. Where is Siahkal?
Siahkal is a city with 19858 population with 6215 families and located in Gilan province and very close by Lahijan city which known as a bride of Gilan.
How far is Siahkal from Tehran?
You can drive for 4 hours and get it there by private car also bus and train are available from Tehran to get there.
2. What is the weather like in Siahkal?
Like everywhere in Iran Siahkal has four seasons and according to the season you can have different wheater from snowing to the hot but the main thing which you should notice is that during the summer it is humid and it can be bothering for people who are not familiar to this type of wheater.
3. What can you see in Siahkal?
You can see the mixture of the tradition of Iran with a new civilization and the real rural life if you drive for some minutes to the suburbs.
Also according to the season that you are going to be there, you can see how they plant rice (if you are there in spring) or see how they harvest rice (if you are there in summer)
4. Is it worth to visit Siahkal?
Siahkal is a place which you shouldn’t miss while you are visiting Iran and especially while you are in the northern part of Ira, Siahkal known as a hidden paradise of Iran.
5. Should I expect a luxury place?
No at all, you will go to visit a traditional place even inside of the city you shouldn’t expect something luxury
6. What types of tourism are available there?
Due to the special weather and the history which this city has many types of tourism like Ecotourism, green tourism, agriculture tourism, adventure tourism are available in this region
7. Who can explain Siahkal to you?
We have some knowledgable English speaking guide with P.hD or Master degree who are originally from Siahkal and proud of themselves to explain their own city to you also if you are looking for just a diver who shows you around is possible
8. Can we spend a night in Siahkal?
Sure, we highly recommend you to spend a night in an eco-lodge in Siahkal and see how local people are living also spending a night there give you an opportunity to spend your time in a suburb of Siahkal and enjoy the natural beauty of it, probably you have chance to visit Deylaman as well
9. Shall I expect nature or history in Siahkal?
BOTH, You can visit 400 years old Caravansaray and a lot more historical places including spectacular nature which is not fundable in the other part of Iran.
10. What is the souvenir of Siahkal?
There is a lot to buy there, you always can find tea, handicraft, cookie,
11. How people will behave with tourist in Siahkal?
Siahkal is not a touristy place but the people who are living there are accept tourist with an open heart they love the other people from other parts of the land, not foreign tourists but even the local tourists who are going there they will find the people very hospitable. you probably know about the hospitality of Iranian people and here in Siahkal, you will experience the best of that.
12. What people are wearing in Siahkal?
In Siahkal they have their traditional dress and still people mostly the people who are older and the people who are living in suburbs they wear their traditional dress which is really nice and here you can see an example of it.
13. What are the main attractions of Siahkal?
Titi Caravansary, Lonak waterfall, Deylaman jungle, Beshkafte sang Daily bazaar, Rural area.
14. Is it possible to visit a music concert in this region?
Yes, they have nice traditional music and if you were lucky you can see it live on wedding parties or their ceremonies also you can always check their concert dates and find a music concert. you should notice they are singing in their own dialogue which also some people call it Gilaki language. Here is part of the concert of Mehran Mozafari who is the local singer of the city which is quite famous in Gilan province.
15. Where is the best city in Iran to visit?
Each city of Iran has its own beauty and it all depends on your taste but if you are a person who loves nature and history and your eyes like to see green land NOT the desert here is a place which highly recommended.
16. What’s the most beautiful city in Iran?
Again like the previous question it all depends on your own taste some people like the city with seaside some others like the desert city and some other like green and jungle sight. If you are a person who likes the jungle and green land Siahkal can be the most beautiful city for you.