The creative city network
The creative city network is a network of cities, working together towards a common mission for cultural diversity and sustainable urban development. There are currently 69 member cities around the world in seven creative industry fields. The fields are Literature, Cinema, Music, Craft and Folk Arts, Design, Media Arts and Gastronomy. Rasht the capital city of Gilan province in the north of Iran is now among 47 cities from 33 countries that are part of the network in these seven creative fields.
Rasht, Destination of food lovers
This city is located by the Caspian Sea. it comprises a population of around 640,000 inhabitants. Food and the way of cooking is an important part of people’s life in Rasht. Weather and water resources like Sefid_Rud river have an important effect on the way of cooking in Rasht. In fact, the city and its gastronomy sector benefit from a rich variety of natural resources. They rely on the exploitation of local resources, especially various species of fish and in_season products.
Rasht, the city of flavor
Rashties have their own way of cooking. They have special pots which name is Gamaj. These pots are made from clay. They believe foods are more delicious when you cook them in these pots. Local vegetables and garlic are the most important materials in Rashti food. These two ingredients have an important role in the unique taste of Rashti foods. All foods are served with rice.
Gastronomy in Rasht is synonymous with the protection and promotion of cultural heritage. Rashti cuisine has not only carried on ancient but also unique cooking utensils and methods.
could you please let me know if you have a web site of ‘Rasht Gastronomy City’? I mean a special web for Rasht Gastronomy only.
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